Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement for Spritekin Grove

Welcome to Spritekin Grove, the enchanting online realm where little forest friends find their new homes, and privacy reigns supreme! Here at Spritekin Grove, we’re just silly little guys with no nefarious intentions. We understand the importance of safeguarding your digital adventures. Read on to learn about how accessing our website will affect your privacy. But tbf, the TLDR is: We use Google Analytics to track anonymous demographics so we know what marketing is effective or not and we don’t sell your data to anyone or anything like that. We only use your anonymous statistics to help us run this website in a very ordinary way, and using our website isn’t opening you up to any fearsome or worrisome contracts with the fae! (We promise! The Fae can’t lie!)

Our Commitment to Your Privacy

At Spritekin Grove, we take your privacy as seriously as a wizard takes their spellbook. We promise to guard your personal information with the diligence of a dragon protecting its treasure hoard. Whether you’re a gnome, elf, or human, we’ve got your data under lock and key!

What Information We Collect

Fear not, dear visitor! We only collect the information necessary to enhance your Spritekin Grove experience. This may include your magical username, email address (to send you mystical updates), and, of course, your chosen sprite avatar. We don’t need to know your favorite spell or potion – that’s strictly between you and your magical mentor!

How We Use Your Information

Your information isn’t used for nefarious spells or mischievous enchantments, rest assured! We employ your details to personalize your Spritekin Grove journey, send you delightful updates, and ensure a seamless experience as you navigate our whimsical web world. Your secrets are safe with us – just like a well-protected fairy ring.

Cookies and Pixel Dust

Like any enchanted forest, we use cookies and pixel dust to make your visit enchanting. These digital tidbits help us understand how you wander through Spritekin Grove, but don’t worry – we won’t follow you into the real world. It’s all about creating a magical online space!

Magical Minors

Spritekin Grove is open to magical beings of all ages, but if you’re under the age of 13, make sure to get a grown-up traveler’s approval before exploring our mystical realm, or at least before making any purchases! We keep our content family-friendly and age-appropriate for a General audience, so everyone can enjoy the magic of Spritekin Grove together!

Sharing is Caring (Sometimes)

We may share your information with trusted partners who help us keep the magic alive. But fear not – these partners are bound by enchanted contracts to protect your privacy as fiercely as we do. Example: We use Google Analytics to track page visits and visitor demographics through anonymous statistics. That means we know someone came to our site through our ad on Facebook and that person is from the US, but we don’t know that it’s Dave or Elliot or Myra. We just want to know what works for our business; we’re not trying to get into YOUR business!

Your Choices, Your Magic

Feel free to tweak your privacy settings in the Spritekin Grove enchanted portal. You’re the master of your digital destiny, and we’re here to ensure you cast the privacy spell that suits your comfort level. By default, we’re not doing anything untoward. Just general business stuff! We never want to make anyone uncomfortable!

Contact Us

Got questions, concerns, or just want to share your latest magical discovery? Send email – to Our mystical guardians will be at your service!

Changes to this Spellbook

Spritekin Grove is a magical realm in constant flux, and so too is our privacy spellbook. Check back regularly for updates. By continuing to explore the Grove, you agree to the latest magical terms.

Thanks for entrusting us with your digital adventures. Now go forth, explore, and let the magic of Spritekin Grove be with you always! 🧚🌟